【Main Ingredients】Maifan Stone50%、Green Zeolite20%、Diatomite10%、Multi purpose Ceramic Bead with minerals10%、Akadama Stone5%、Vermiculite5%
Maifan Stone:
– Good Drainage, and avoid over watering.
– Great for succulent to develop root system health.
– Rich in a variety of minerals and trace elements, improve soil effectively, promote the growth.
– Purify the water.
– Use as COVER, not only looks good, but keeps the soil in place, avoid shifting.
Green Zeolite:
– Improve the soil quality
– slow release the nutrient and moisture
– contain minerals to help succulents grow healthy
Multi purpose Ceramic Bead with minerals:
– Directly potted with succulents or Harworthia
– Mix with Vermiculite for seeding or propagating
– Mix with potting mix for indoor plants to improve the soil condition, avoid soil crack,
and supply the minerals to help plant healthy grow.
Akadama Stone is a naturally occurring granular clay-like mineral used as soil for BONSAI trees and other container-grown plants.It can retain water and nutrients and improve the soil condition, while providing porosity and free drainage. Help root development
Vermiculite interacts with potassium, calcium and magnesium in your soil. It also help to raise the pH slightly of your plants even though it’s a neutral pH of 7.0.
- 50%的麦饭石吸附空气中的水分,增加土壤的透气性,提升土壤的保水性,从而更好保护根系,并且富含多种矿物质,让肉肉的根系更加健壮。
- 绿沸石,硅藻土,这两种在淋水后,会释放一种物质,起到杀虫效果,而且他们能够保存层间水,意思是分子结构吸附水分,在外界环境干燥的状况下,慢慢释放保存土壤的湿润。
- 陶化颗粒土内含多种植物健康生长所需的微量元素,发根快,保水,不闷土,不粉化,不板结,使用寿命长,透气性良好。
- 赤玉土最大的好处就是低肥,微酸,透气,保水,以上4项几乎已经满足了大多数植物的生理需求,而对于多肉植物的生理特性来说,几乎已经做到了绝配。
- 蛭石是一种含有丰富矿物质的水合物,最大作用是对土壤的改良,吸收大量的水份从而起到保墒的作用,而且更能让土壤变得更松散利于其透气,使酸性土壤变为中性土壤。蛭石富含多种微量元素,阻碍PH值的迅速变化,生长介质使其在土壤中起着保肥、保水、储水、透气和矿物肥料等多重作用。
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