【Main Ingredients】Kanuma Soil, Diatomite、Vermiculite、Rice Husk Biochar、Perlite、Peat Moss Pellet
– Eliminate flies.
– Keep slugs off your plants.
– Use it as a deodorizer.
– Use it as a mechanical pesticide.
-Interacts with potassium, calcium and magnesium in your soil
-Raise the pH slightly of your plants even though it’s a neutral pH of 7.0.
-Retain water and nutrients and improve the soil conditio
Vermiculite interacts with potassium, calcium and magnesium in your soil. It also help to raise the pH slightly of your plants even though it’s a neutral pH of 7.0.
Rice Husk Biochar:
-Retain water and nutrients and improve the soil condition
-Help root develop and make the leave fat and healthy.
-Reduce levels of plant disease.
Perlite is a porous substance it offers both excellent water retention and drainage capabilities. It can be added to soilless mixes to improve drainage and aeration, providing more oxygen to plant roots. It is also added to gardens as a soil additive to improve soil structure. Perlite also helps reduce soil compaction in clay soils.
- 硅藻土让你的多肉植物免受有害昆虫的侵害。硅藻土有助于吸收多余的水分,使土壤干燥。硅藻土能有效地杀灭或驱赶各种昆虫,包括蚂蚁、果蝇、蜱虫、蜜蜂、大黄蜂、白蚁、蚜虫、象鼻虫、臭虫、螨虫、蟋蟀、蟑螂、蛆虫、甲虫、蝎子、蚋、蜘蛛和跳蚤。 它还能非常有效地阻止户外花园中的蛞蝓和蜗牛。
- 稻壳炭增加吸热作用,使地温、水温上升,促进植物生长及减少寒害、透气良好,能增加氧气供应,并增强土壤的保水能力,减少因病菌病毒导致的植物病。
- 珍珠岩有保水透气的效果。吸水量可以达到自身的2-3倍。同时它轻质、多孔的结构,让它天生自带控温光环,削弱了温度变化对植物根系的破坏,也起到了控制肥效和肥度的作用。而且珍珠岩有利于植物根系生长。 产品的多孔性极大促进了植物的须根系生长和发育,对植物根系的固定有促进作用。
- 泥炭颗粒可以提供一部分的肥力,也可以均衡一下土壤环境的PH值,可以很有效的改善纯颗粒土存在的问题。
- 蛭石是一种含有丰富矿物质的水合物,最大作用是对土壤的改良,吸收大量的水份从而起到保墒的作用,而且更能让土壤变得更松散利于其透气,使酸性土壤变为中性土壤。蛭石富含多种微量元素,阻碍PH值的迅速变化,生长介质使其在土壤中起着保肥、保水、储水、透气和矿物肥料等多重作用。
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