We have three Peters’ Professional products each formulated for a specific nutritional program.
#10, 30-10-10, Hi-Nitro Foliar Feed: General-purpose application for indoor plants, Orchid and nursery container.
Hi-Nitro ratio ensure the leave grow green and large.
Developed for peat based cultures, pot plants, bedding plants and container nursery stock.
#12,15-10-30+TE, Suitable for potted succulents
The N:K ratio of 1:2 ensures that the potassium level can be raised quickly. It ensures good potted-succulent-color and optimized succulent size and weight.
Contains NPK, magnesium and trace elements.
#101,Combi Sol 6-18-36+3MgO+TE, Suitable for PROPAGATING, ORCHID, succulent and Anthurium.
Combi Sol has a higher amount of trace elements for perfect results.
NPK high levle of potassium.
- Prepare the solution 1g with 1L or 2L of water, stir carefully or use warm water inorder to let the product dissolve more easily. You can also add 1-2 drop of HB 101 for
- For General Maintenance: 1g with 1L of water and spray plants or water the plant root area at 7-10 days interval.
- Use lower rate when plants are young and higher rate during growing season.
- Store your water-soluble fertilizer in a clean, cool, dry place.
- Keep out of reach of children and pets.
- 日常养护 (7-10天一次):1:1000 兑水稀释。1g 花多多肥兑水1000ml, 浇灌在植株土壤根圈周围。兰科植物按照1:2500稀释。如遇持续阴雨天气,土壤湿涝不要采取浇灌施肥
- 喷叶(7-10天一次):1:1000-2000 兑水稀释,均匀喷洒于全株叶片湿润即可。开花植物不要喷到花苞。夏季高温尽量不要采取喷叶方式,或避开正午,选择9am以前,或5pm 以后。
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