Diatomite | 硅藻土 2-4mm or 3-5mm


Diatomaceous Earth.  SiO2·nH2O

Usage:planting cover stone, or mix with soil

Features and Benefits:

  • better drainage.
  • control pests
  • Size: 2-4mm | 3-5mm




尺寸:2-4mm | 3-5mm

SKU: SOILGZ_3L Category: Tags: , , Product ID: 1143



Benefits of Diatomite:

-Use it as a mechanical pesticide. Diatomaceous earth is a non-toxic way to control pests in the garden. It is effective against all insect pests that crawl on plants because contact with the powder is extremely dehydrating.

-Eliminate flies
Flies in the garden, especially black flies, can be a menace. Sprinkle the diatomaceous earth liberally on the plants and on the ground to control them.

-Keep slugs off your plants
Slug baits may be one way to lure these night-time pests away from your precious plants, but you can add an additional layer of protection with diatomaceous earth. Apply diatomite in a circle around the plant to keep the mollusks from reaching your hostas, anthuriums, and cabbages. When their soft bodies come in contact with the powder, the sharp particles inflict tiny cuts on the skin. The dehydrating effect of the powder causes them to lose too much fluid. You can also sprinkle food grade diatomaceous earth on the plants. It is non-toxic and washes off easily.

-Use it as a deodorizer
You can use this inert substance in the garden as a chemical-free deodorant. If you have a spot in the garden that cats or dogs use as their toilet, mix in some diatomaceous earth into the top layer of the soil or just sprinkle it liberally all over the place. Sometimes compost piles smell foul, probably because too many wet ingredients like kitchen wastes or fallen fruit have gone into it without sufficient brown ingredients to balance it. Use diatomaceous earth to deodorize the pile.



定期使用硅藻土对多肉植物非常有益。主要原因是让你的多肉植物免受有害昆虫的侵害。 还可以有另一个好处,如果多肉植物浇水过多,所有的多肉植物都会成为压力,如果多肉植物被种植在容器中或室外排水不畅的地方,对多肉植物来说也是一种压力。在这两种情况下,硅藻土有助于吸收多余的水分,使土壤干燥。硅藻土的吸水性使其成为一种很好的结合新施肥的方法。然后,随着硅藻土分解,肥料慢慢释放出来。这对于那些可能因肥料过快被根部吸收而受到伤害的多肉植物来说是非常完美的。如果是以水培的方式来种植多肉植物,硅藻土的多孔性使其成为水培容器中很好的介质。

硅藻土作为一种杀虫剂已经越来越受欢迎。 硅藻土能有效地杀灭或驱赶各种昆虫,包括蚂蚁、果蝇、蜱虫、蜜蜂、大黄蜂、白蚁、蚜虫、象鼻虫、臭虫、螨虫、蟋蟀、蟑螂、蛆虫、甲虫、蝎子、蚋、蜘蛛和跳蚤。 它还能非常有效地阻止户外花园中的蛞蝓和蜗牛。 因此,它是一种经济和安全的害虫控制物质。硅藻土在杀虫方面非常有效,它经常与储存的谷物混合在一起。《昆虫学通报》证实了天然硅藻土杀灭粮食甲虫的效果。重要的一点是,硅藻土不会杀死蠕虫或任何对你的多肉土壤有益的微生物。

户外多肉植物:你可以在室外多肉植物和周围的土壤中大量使用硅藻土。 当你需要将其直接应用于植物的叶子和茎时,可以先用清水轻轻喷洒它们,这将有助于更多的硅藻土粘附在植物上。一旦硅藻土变干,它就会有效地杀死你不想要的昆虫。为了方便,有些人喜欢把硅藻土装在喷雾瓶里,然后涂在植物上。
-室内肉质植物:如果多肉植物本身的叶子上已经有虫子了,你可以将整株植物轻轻地撒上一些硅藻土即可,也可以在土壤上涂抹一层薄薄的硅藻土,用这种方法最好是在最好是在浇水后不久,但在土壤表层基本干涸后再这样做。请记住,硅藻土不会杀死任何种类的昆虫卵。 这意味着在室内使用时,你可能需要用真空吸尘器吸干,然后每隔几天重新涂抹一次硅藻土,持续数周,直到你杀死所有的成虫和虫卵。


Diatomite 2-4mm as cover stone

Diatomite mixed in our special made “MUZI Succulent Soil”



Additional information

Weight 2 kg





1L, 5L


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